Zahit Büyükişliyen “Hommage A Don Quıjote”

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Zahit Büyükişliyen “Hommage A Don Quıjote”

Zahit Büyükişliyen “Hommage A Don Quıjote”



“Hommage a Don Quijote” exhibition consists of paintings that reflect different dynamics and influences, as Zahit BÜYÜKİŞLİYEN worked in different periods when he focused on the character of Don Quixote. While the rhythm created by colors in his paintings composed of abstract layers of the Elderly describes the adventures of Don Quixote on the surface of the canvas, the abstract expressive attitude reflects the artist’s subjective expression, his point of view on life. “A DREAM HERO FROZEN QUIXOTE Don Quixote was originally conceived by Cervantes as a elaborate parody of knightly romances that attracted the greatest attention of readers of all classes. But when it was written it reached very large dimensions. Don Quixote features a rich and creative imagination, an endless humor, a deep understanding of the meaning of life and the structure of reality. You are Don Quixote!… The word has gained meaning all over the world. He has been a dream hero, interpreted by many painters. I can say that I gained an important motivation with the inclusion and reproduction of these characters in his paintings from Daumier to Picasso. I believe that a longer process will be interpreted in my paintings, not just with the personality, but with the environment and the elements in the environment. “ M. Zahit BÜYÜKİŞLİYEN

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